Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Been a good while.

Ramblings from a morning spent in the woods with my head lamp. I have been attempting to spend more hours in the forest, liberating myself from myself. I run a good bit out here and have gotten to know the woods a bit better and myself. These are my thoughts after a good little jaunt around Great Seal, alone.
The trail, she is made of ancient earth. The air out here is liberating, such is the gospel. My only desire when surrounded by the oak, poplar, moss, and dirt is to become like it, wild, thus becoming human. I want to take this liberation to the brick and concrete, the tamed world, the world I am part of. I desire for this liberation to over throw the foundation of my made up life, to take it apart, brick by brick until all that exists is “I”.
I want to make this a habit, a ritual, for this is the human way, we must partake in ritual for the Divine to be revealed. We must partake in sitting, in repeating words we care nothing about, in singing songs, drinking crushed grape and devouring stale bread. My ritual is ancient; it is engraved into my bones, for it is the song of the land, the song of the ancients. I will taste of the earth instead of stale bread, I will drink from my cupped hands, fill them with water from the land instead of plastic cups and sour wine, and I will stand in silence instead of singing praises to abrasive music which drowns out the wild divine.
I will do this to be like Christ, to be like the ancients…

1 comment:

  1. being in the woods is the most liberating and calming thing man can do. i try to make a point to go into the woods at least one hour a week, usually more, and just sit. it is not the stereotypical idea of what people would think of when I call it meditation. but meditating is what it is. i just sit there - listen, look, smell what is around me - free from civilization and in my own mind for once.
